
It is life. From the eyes of a grown up.


Well I think, everyone has his/her opinion about life. Isn’t it the topic we’ve heard to be mostly talked about? Each day, everyone keeps making more and more theories about life.

I can’t describe how life has been so up and down these days. Okay, one word. Amazing. Yep, amazing. I kept complaining about the bad days I had, and forgot to be thankful when those bad days turned into good days. I got a question left in my head, have I wasted so much time? I was afraid I have.

I thought everything was so unfair. I was so rebellious. I know I’m playful enough as a teen but I don’t really like to be in a game, to be played. And life has played me that easily. Brought me up and down, one day it gave me lots of happiness and sent me a pack of miserable things on the next day. I was totally….labile. I can’t find a better word to explain how bad I was.

But suddenly I realise something. I won’t go on if I keep saving these negative thoughts, and blaming everything on life. I need those positive energies. And they have successfully helped me to see that….Life’s so colourful. And with those colours, we can see that life’s not that simple. Living a life is not as easy as choosing which part of the picture to be coloured in white and which part to be coloured in black. We still have a lot of crayons waiting to be used.

So, it really depends on you, how to face every little thing in your life. If you've decided from the very first minute you wake up that you’ll have a good day today, then you’ll have your good day. No matter how bad actually your day will be, you’ll still get some reasons to be thankful of, you’ve got another thing to be learnt today ;) It’s all about choices.

I try not to regret anything, like being one of those labile people, this is how a teenager lives a life anyway. We get older, but we’re still young. I can say now, I’m not wasting too much time, and so are you. Well, there may be a little time I’ve wasted, like having lots of hibernations and crying over the money I’ve spent uselessly, but isn’t it okay? I’m still growing up every single day, being amazed of every new thing I’ve seen, keeping on asking why instead of saying thanks God, and laziness is still one of the elements of life that I love the most. Haha, just…. let it be, let it be.

p.s: forgive me if you don’t agree with my words above. It’s just my point of view, anyway. And someday, it might change, I’m surely sure about that. Well who knows?

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