Highschool never ends."
Bukan begitu?
And so, masa SMA gue udah selesai. Highschool is really over. Selasa, 25 Mei 2010, bertempatan di Balai Sudirman, diadakan acara wisuda Emperor SMAN 81 2010.
It was so funny seeing my whole friends in kebaya and black suitcase. Cantik cantik, dan ganteng ganteng. So thumbs up, looked as if everyone prepared the best for the last day.
Sepanjang jalan yang bener-bener padat merayap, bersama ayah ibu, I promised myself something. 'This is the last day before entering a new life, and I may not be sad. This is the last day, I'll have fun with all of them. This is the last day, I won't let any tears drop that easy and destroy my make ups. This is the last day, I'll use it well.'
Just letting you know, I've never been good at goodbyes, no matter how good it was.
Acaranya lumayan. Nggak ngaret, itu yang terutama. Yang pasti banyak sambutan, yah skip lah. Yang bener-bener ngena di gue cuma sambutan dari Pak Tulus sm Rifqi & Oci. Selama acara, beberapa kali ditayangin foto-foto Emperor dari jaman kelas 1 masih MOS sampe kelas 3 saat-saat terakhir. Sedih? Iya, pastilah. Tapi hari kemaren terlalu berharga buat dijadiin ajang sedih-sedihan.
karna hari ini yang kan kita rindukan
di hari nanti,
sebuah kisah klasik untuk masa depan.
(Sheila on 7)
3 tahun gue di 81, jujur aja gue emang nggak ngerasa seindah pas gue di Tarpat, pas gue SMP. But however, these people has fulfilled my high school memories. Jadi, bukan berarti masa SMA gue nggak indah. Gue baru sadar kemaren, I've wasted so much time. Gue nggak banyak ambil andil buat SMA gue, buat temen-temen gue, buat angkatan gue. Gue lebih sering nggak niat sekolah daripada semangat sekolah, lebih sering pengen cepet-cepet pulang daripada tinggal di sekolah, dan sekarang waktunya udah abis. Tapi gue belajar banyak hal, gue nemuin banyak hal, gue dapet temen-temen yang super, dari yang antik sampe paling jutek juga ada. I'm just hoping I was worthwhile for being there.
I love you, Emperor. So proud to be a part of you all. It may be unfair but life really goes on. Bright futures are waiting for each of us, I'm wishing so much good luck for you all..... Thank you for the 3 years memories, I had a lot of good times. Good bye :')