Almost a month since the last time I updated, rite? Doesn't mean I've been so busy all this time, noope, I was just not in the mood of writing. Nothing interesting to be written too, my life is so flat these days. I'm having a mid-test week, yeahh not so good but I'm hoping it'll go as soon as possible. I'm doin my best. And I don't do cheating at major subjects, how cool?
Honestly, I'm tired with all these..routines. School, courses, homeworks, tests.. Could I spend my last year as a highschool student in a better way? I'm looking for something interesting, I don't even have anything special to do at weekends. I stay at home when I want to, I go out when I'm bored. I really miss my quality time with my best friends, especially karina mira tia alle arya ninoy and others. We hung out a lot years ago. We went to Tarphrodite last week, but that's all. I had fun, but that's all. I go dating with my boyf, but that's all. I'm so bored and this is my last year. How sad? I have so much quality time with my girls at school, but if we go flashback to the last year, ah we were a lot happier. We went out almost everyday, we didn't care about everything especially school, oh okay I know its my senior year and it means I have to study all year long. I'll do everything for my future, howeva it's my priority right now. But I haven't even know where I will bring my self to. I want a good future, I want a good career, I want to make my parents proud, but where am I going? I've still got no destination. My mind changes everyday. Just keep prayin a lot, I feel a bit regret of wasting my highschool time with complaining and so on, bcs I know next year, all will be so much different. I'll be a collegian. Whoaaw, amen.